Day 4, Doha 2012: “Arabs are more than oil”

Day four of COP 18 proved to be a day of dichotomies, criticism, and confusion. While officially termed the Youth and Future Generations Day, continued disagreements about the AWG-LCA negotiating text overshadowed this label. On day 3, the Umbrella Group (most notably the USA, Canada, and Japan) voiced concerns about the substance and suitability of […]

Day 2, Doha 2012: Slow and Steady Wins the Race?

With the second day of COP 18 completed, participants of the conference still seem to be warming up for the main events. While setting the scene, numerous delegates and interest groups expressed high hopes for extending the Kyoto Protocol. Moreover, the International Emissions Trading Association indicated that companies expect concrete results from COP 18, especially […]

Primer: California’s Cap-and-Trade System

In our political quest to avoid the taboo T-word (taxes, that is), cap-and-trade schemes provide an opportunity for markets to internalize environmental damages from greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. In an effort to reduce its CO2 emissions, California has worked on a cap-and-trade system since 2006. This scheme bears the catchy names Assembly Bill 32 (AB […]

Energy on the Vine

Slipping Euro, Berlusconi jailed.  It seems as though wine is that last hope for Italia.  With rising temperatures, even this age old tradition is being tested. Wine like cheese, is classified by its region, and belongs to a different level of the Denominazione di origine controllata (DOC).  However, it is not in the Italian spirit […]

Hello world!

Carbon Horizons is a platform for informed opinion, bold curiosity and engagement with the many sides of climate change.  From business strategy through to the underlying physical science, Carbon Horizons is a launch pad for critical views and fresh thinking. Brought to you by the Carbon Management Society of Edinburgh Business School – The CarbonHorizons team will […]